FPW Safety Culture

The Ferreira Power West safety program identifies and emphasizes the importance of planning, training, observing and communicating to create safe work environments. The culmination of implementing our safety program and associated practices has resulted in the Ferreira Family of Companies having an EMR rating of below a 0.80 for the past 10 years.

  • Every employee is responsible for safety.
  • Safety professionals perform periodic inspections to ensure ongoing compliance with Ferreira safety expectations and OSHA regulations.
  • Partnerships with insurance companies, industry trade partners and other stakeholders provide valuable feedback to produce the safest worksite possible.
  • Good Catch and Near Miss program allows for prompt reporting and a proactive approach to sharing information and feedback on all good catches and near misses.
  • Our “Stop the Job” program leaves no uncertainty about an individual’s authority to “Stop a Job” to resolve identified hazards, evaluate warning signs and to ask questions and discuss uncertainties. This is accomplished with training and by providing insight as to why individuals tend to work through stopping points.
  • These processes exist to engage and educate our workforce to be proactive in the safety process and move us toward our companywide zero injury goal.